Photo of Juanjo Andreu Spain
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Academic Summary

[2000-05] [Polytechnic University] [Valencia]
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Specialty Painting

[2005-06] [Polytechnic University] [Valencia, Valencia]
Teaching certificate
Specialty Drawing

[1993-98] [Arts and Crafts] [Castellón]
Technician in Art and Design
Pottery and Glass Specialty.


[Four years / news] [El Corte...

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  • Verified artists profiles Trusted Artist
  • Artelista collects the work in the artist's workshop after validating that everything is correct and takes it directly to your home. We insure the work during shipment with Allianz Seguros ™
  • A secure platform: The artist does not receive the money until you confirm that everything is fine
  • If when you receive the picture does not convince you, we will pick it up for free and we will refund your money
  • Works with certificate of authenticity
  • Telephone support

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  • Payments are made online, through Artelista's secure system. Click on the "Add to cart" button and select the payment method you prefer.
  • Shipping costs covered by Artelista
See everything we offer you!
25.59 x 51.18 in
31.89 x 45.67 in
35.43 x 27.95 in

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Academic Summary

[2000-05] [Polytechnic University] [Valencia]
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Specialty Painting

[2005-06] [Polytechnic University] [Valencia, Valencia]
Teaching certificate
Specialty Drawing

[1993-98] [Arts and Crafts] [Castellón]
Technician in Art and Design
Pottery and Glass Specialty.


[Four years / news] [El Corte Ingles, C / Pintor Sorolla] [Valencia]
Waiter professional professional
Facility dedicated to restoration.

[Six months] [Informaster Study Center] [Vall de Uxó, Castellón] Professor
Academy offers courses and occupational training, with everything associated with computers and other programs.

[Two years] [Ceramic Group Three styles] [San Juan de Moro, Castellon]
Ceramic Designer
Designer ceramic and photography.

[2 months] [Fundación La Caixa] [Valencia, Valencia] Monitor
Responsible agencies and coordination of employees in different areas.
[200 hours] [Bancaja Foundation] [Valencia, Valencia]

Monitor educational workshops and guidance of the relevant exposures.

[Two months] [Dacsa] [Almàssera, Valencia] Artist The contract was to paint a mural on the company Dacsa (maicerías Spanish).


[2010-11] [Catholic University approved courses] [Valencia]
- The visual and plastic education: classroom resources.
- Creativity in school.
- Development of educational programming and implementation.
- Learning to teach motivation, teaching materials and resources to work in the classroom (kindergarten, primary and secondary).
- The comic book as a teaching resource.
Taught by ANPE.

[2010] [Generalitat Valencia] [Valencia, Valencia]
Official certificate, grau elemental (B1)
Board Valencià coneixements rating

[2010] [Polytechnic University] [Valencia, Valencia]
Grau elemental coneixements Valencia
Certificate of attendance lasting 180h. Development area associated with the foundation Luis Vives.

[2005] [Servef, European Social Fund] [Vall de Uxó, Castellon]
Occupational trainer course
Continuing professional trainer program, duration 100h.

[2004] [Polytechnic University] [Valencia, Valencia]
Fellow Appointment
Project / Convention: \ "supply service Peiro Juan Bautista School of Fine Arts, painting department.

[2003] [Polytechnic University] [Valencia, Valencia]
Painting Workshop with Antonio López natural
Postgraduate course lasting 15h.

[2004] [Arco-Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I [Madrid, Madrid]
I International Congress of visual studies
Duration of the conference two days.

[2001] [Polytechnic University] [Valencia, Valencia]
Lecture series: Visio, Visual Culture perception i
Duration of 12h.

Bancaja Prize winnings from natural paint, children's section. Honorable Mention in the arts contest VII Galileo Galilei 2006. Selection and purchase of works for the Colegio Mayor Galileo 2004.

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